How was EyePrintPRO™ Developed?
The concept of EyePrint Prosthetics was developed by Dr. Christine Sindt. Dr. Sindt has devoted her career to providing vision for patients with diseased and irregular corneas. After developing the patented EyePrint ocular surface impression process, she partnered with Keith Parker, President of Advanced Vision Technologies, a state of the art specialty contact lens manufacturing laboratory. Together, with the help of many dedicated colleagues, they have developed the EyePrint Process to deliver life changing vision for many patients suffering from ocular surface disease.
What Is EyePrintPRO?
The EyePrintPRO™ is a prosthetic scleral cover shell which improves vision by creating a new, smooth, refractive surface for the eye. The EyePrintPRO™, like a fingerprint, is unique to each individual.
The EyePrintPRO™ purpose is to provide the best quality of life, through vision, for patients who are extremely visually impaired and currently without alternative solutions to their corneal disease and irregularities.
The EyePrintPRO™ is indicated for keratoconus, irregular astigmatism, ocular surface disease (dry eye), trauma, extreme cases of deformed eyes, pellucid marginal degeneration, chemical burns, post surgical corneas (including corneal transplants and post LASIK ectasia), pinguecula, pterygium, stem cell failure, or simply those who desire better vision and comfort.
How Does EyePrinPro Work?
It starts with the EyePrint Impression Process which only takes minutes and captures the precise curvatures of the entire ocular surface.
This comfortable and gentle process gives more information than high tech computerized topographical scanners and provides Practitioners the ability to fit complicated ocular irregularities with precision.
The EyePrint Process provides details of the ocular surface never recognized before when evaluating the eye. The EyePrintPRO™ is so precise, these details matter. There are no fudge factors or guessing. The patient gets exactly what they need.
The EyePrint Impression is shipped to EyePrint Prosthetics LLC for digitizing and prosthetic scleral cover shell design. Through the latest technology in 3D scanning and computer numerically controlled machining systems, an exact match is achieved to each individual cornea and sclera.