DRY EYE TREATMENT AT Premier Vision Clinic
During a dry eye examination at our eye care center in Clive, we will recommend dry eye treatments tailored to treat your symptoms and provide lasting relief. We are dedicated to ensuring that you enjoy clear and comfortable vision so that you can live your best life. Whether you have chronic dry eye or a recent dry eye issue, we have the right treatment plan for you.
Lasting and Effective Dry Eye Treatment
Our dry eye program works like therapy, where we aren’t simply prescribing a quick medication or artificial tears, but rather we create an individual solution for each patient. Prior to administering any treatment, we need to get to the root cause in order to offer the most adequate treatment possible. Treatment truly is a partnership between our team and you, the patient, to reach the desired endpoint of comfortable eyes and vision.
Because of the variety of treatments that can help relieve dry eye symptoms, a dry eye examination is essential understanding the root cause, and to determining what treatment to start. Treatment options range from at-home lid hygiene regimens or medications, to in-office procedures for more advanced cases.